football is the forlorn hope

Friday, March 28, 2008

sharin friday
this sunday mornin school court will be the last soccer session before we study for april..

thats sirseng in yellow and in action.. he will be back after exams.. not sure about neng.. he is goin to china this weekend and i am quite amazed by the number of times he failed to turn up for prayers..

Ivan misfired at 8:31 PM

Sunday, March 23, 2008

sharin soccer
today, wayne challenged my football intelligence, he found it amusing on an occasion when i made a back pass. i cant even begin to describe how deluded he is to question me, and how pissed off i felt about the incident. but lets be objective about it, i am an objective and rationale person after all. i will illustrate what happened and leave it to the readers to judge. and hopefully, wayne will be enlightened by this illustration, i have already given up hope, but since ivan has not, i will give it one last shot, come on wayne prove me wrong. soccer is not all about the technique, one of the most important aspect, if not the key aspect, is football sense and intelligence.

Ken misfired at 8:12 PM

Sunday, March 16, 2008

some updates on our existin members..

wayne.. injured..
yuxian.. workin ocbc.. just stolen a walkman phone..
likoon.. want to play soccer with him for a realli long time..
max.. stopped bloggin and still creatin his facebook..
loy.. laso workin in bank..
wuneng.. graduating soon..
del.. busy with melisssssa..
prong.. searchin for a suitable course..
labond.. 10mins ago he asked me for a lighter online..
stonez.. dont allow me to go his hall room..
junrong.. waiter waitin for may to start hall life..
q.. will be back in singapore on good friday finally ord..
bang.. he should get a turban soon..
sir.. we will always talk about the old days when he is not around..
kyle.. had a good fight with love.. i am very sure one side was knocked out..
qinghua.. goin china soon again..
tag.. back tonight here to havoc for five weeks..

Ivan misfired at 11:01 PM